Over the years, we have undertaken a number of initiatives of different kinds and levels. Many projects were small and mostly one-off financial support to college activities. We believe that financial sponsorships of this nature would undoubtedly benefit the college. Since 2009 our focus has been on providing financial and professional support to both academic and extra-curricular activities that brings long term benefits to the wider school community with a particular emphasis on initiatives that help children develop attitudes, skills and knowledge for the world of work.
In 2016, we launched Shaping Lives, a bursary programme to support selected students from the school.
On Saturday, 17 June 2017 the Annual Alms Giving organised took place at the London Buddhist Vihara.
"Shaping Lives" bursary program official launch was on 6th January 2017 at Dharmaraja college, Kandy.
Another successful Rajans' Ball rasied funds for 'Shaping Lives'