The Dharmaraja College’s UK OBU branch (established in 1980) has been a key supporter of many projects and initiatives undertaken by Dharmaraja College Kandy. Funding for the various projects is done through donations received by the UK OBUs generous members and fund-raising events conducted. In its 43rd year of operations, the UK OBU has taken a significant role in promoting and sponsoring part of the colleges’ New Pavilion construction work.
New Pavilion Project
The old Bilimoria pavilion, that carried fond memories for decades of Rajans, which hosted many significant events like the school sports meet, prize giving, assembly and many other events; was demolished many years ago to make room for the Lakeview Ground expansion.
A/L Group 1983
1991 A/L Group
2001 A/L Group
1994 A/L Group
2000 A/L Group
1991 A/L group
1996 A/L Group
1989 A/L Group
1987 A/L Group
2002 A/L Group
1989 A/L Group
1991 A/L Group
1990 A/L Group
1986 A/L Group
1995 A/L Group
Extending your support
If you are interested in participating and supporting this historic endeavour, please get in touch with us using the details below. This will undoubtedly uplift the colleges’ sports facilities and make it a much sought after venue for sports events and other activities for many generations to come. All proceeds will go directly towards the Pavilion project funding.
Contact for sponsorship inquiries:
Name: Dinesh Amarasekera (UK OBU Treasurer)
Phone: +44(0) 7771 388975
Beneficiary Account Details:
Name: Dharmaraja College Old Boys’ Union United Kingdom
Sort-code: 30-98-97
Account: 4443 9360
Amount: £100 or more
Reference: Pavilion
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